OKPRN Recognitions & Awards
Best PBRN Award From IECRN
The IECRN (Inventory & Evaluation of Clinical Research Networks) project, a component of the NIH Roadmap, announced in 2006 that OKPRN, among three primary care research networks in the United States, have been selected as "best practices" for their demonstrated success in operating efficiently, expanding their research scope, translating findings into clinical practice, training clinical researchers, and using technology to achieve network goals. The Award document noted that "OKPRN is remarkable for its internal interactivity, research focus, efficiency, and information technology capabilities. OKPRN has expanded its research scope by focusing on translational research, successfully bridging the gap between research and quality improvement".

Recognition from the AHRQ Innovations Exchange
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recognized OKPRN in 2008 for its pioneering work in establishing and promoting practice facilitation as an evidence-based care improvement method in the United States. Practice Enhancement Assistants (PEAs) are OKPRN's practice facilitators who work with a group of primary care practices over an extended period of time as professional change agents, quality improvement "coaches", health extension collaborators and research specialists. OKPRN has conducted numerous studies that involved PEAs and generated two seminal review papers on practice facilitation. Read more about our PEAs and their work on the AHRQ Innovations Exchange page.
AHRQ Report & Video Featured OKPRN's My Wellness Portal
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) featured a landmark OKPRN study in 2011 that iteratively designed, developed and tested in a randomized controlled trial, the first prevention-orineted patient Wellness Portal in primary care practices. The study has shown that a comprehensive patient portal integrated into the regular process of care delivery can increase the patient-centeredness of care, enhance the delivery of both age and personal risk factor -dependent preventive services, improve patient activation, promote the utilization of web-based personal health records, and increase the knowledge of clinicians about their patients’ medical history in primary care settings. For more information, read the full Report.
OKPRN Selected for Champion of Community Health Award
OKPRN received the Champion of Community Health Award from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oklahoma in September, 2013. We are very grateful for this distinction and think that it represents the dedication and hard work of our clinician members over almost two decades to enhance primary health care in the State and improve the health of all Oklahomans. The Award stated that through the work of OKPRN, "Oklahoma citizens come out the winners, as they receive state-of-the art care and experience improved outcomes".