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OKPRN Publication Library - T2 Translational Research

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Human Research
Basic Science and T1 Translation
Implementation Research
PBRN Research
Policy and Action Research

Lawler FH, Mold JW and McCarthy LH. Do Older People Benefit from Having a Confidant? An Oklahoma Physicians Resource/Research Network (OKPRN) Study JABFM 2013;26:9 –15.  PAPER


Mold JW, Holtzclaw BJ, McCarthy L. Night sweats: a systematic review of the literature. JABFM 2012 Nov-Dec;25(6):878-93.  PUBMED


Lobb K, Anzaldua A, Lawler F, Welborn T. Do orally administered corticosteroids reduce acute sciatic pain in adults more than placebo? JOSMA 2010; 508-509.  PAPER


Fox A, Gandhi S, Aspy CB, Mold JW. Which Adults Should be Tested or Treated for Vitamin D Deficiency? JOSMA 2009; 297-298.  PAPER


Shah N, DeLeon D, Schwiebert P, Mold JW. Does anticoagulation benefit patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) who have reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and are in normal sinus rhythm? JOSMA 2009; 102(4):126-127.  PUBMED


Arshad, M., R.M. Hamm, and J.W. Mold, Does secondary smoke exposure increase the incidence and/or severity of asthma in children? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2006. 99(2): p. 76-7.  PAPER


Aulepp, K., A. Muneerah, and R.M. Hamm, Does treatment with antibiotics reduce the duration or severity of symptoms of acute otitis media in children as compared to treatment with analgesics alone? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2006. 99(10): p. 521-2.  PAPER


Paszkowiak, J. and R. Chadek, Is there a correlation between TV alcohol advertisement exposure and adolescent alcohol use? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2006. 99(11): p. 549-50.  PAPER


Payne, I. and J.W. Mold, What is the most sensitive non-invasive test for initial diagnosis of H. pylori infection in adults? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2006. 99(6): p. 368-9.  PAPER


Chitturi, S., A. Muneerah, and J. Mold, Is initial treatment of patients with DVT with LMWH more effective, safer and/or less expensive than treatment with UFH? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2007. 100(12): p. 466-7.  PAPER


Kitowicz, A. and D.F. Criswell, Do inhaled corticosteroids improve oxygen saturation in infants with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2007. 100(7): p. 266. Kitowicz, A. and D.F. Criswell, Question: is insulin glargine more effective? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2007. 100(1): p. 26-7.  PAPER


Rezaei, A. and D. Criswell, Clinical question: does treatment with corticosteroids improve pain outcome in patients with acute pharyngitis? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2007. 100(2): p. 49-50.  PAPER


Combs, C., J. Loper, and K. Ramakrishnan, Are narcotics effective for treatment of patients with chronic daily headaches? Evidence-Based Practice, 2008. 11(5): p. 4.  PAPER


du Toit, F.J., P.L. Hoover, and J.W. Mold, Can botulinum toxin A injections into the paravertebral muscles reduce pain in patients with refractory, chronic muscular lower back pain? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(4): p. 83-4.  PAPER


du Toit, F.J., P.L. Hoover, and J.W. Mold, Does Aggrenox (aspirin/dipyridamole) reduce the risk of recurrent stroke to a greater degree than aspirin alone? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(5): p. 80-2.  PAPER


Ferrell, C. and P. Wright, In adolescent females with primary dysmenorrhea, are oral contraceptive agents as effective as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for reducing abdominal pain? Evidence-Based Practice, 2008. 11(2): p. 4-5.  PAPER


Graham, E.S., R. Chadek, and J. Mold, Are fish oil supplements as effective as gemfibrozil for decreasing elevated triglycerides? Evidence-Based Practice, 2008. 11(11): p. 8.  PAPER


Hurst, D., R. Chadek, and J. Mold, Does treatment with inhaled corticosteroids improve outcomes in infants with RSV infection? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(3): p. 55-6.  PAPER


Loyd, J. and P. Wright, Are thiazide diuretics an effective treatment for hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(5): p. 84-5.  PAPER


Metcalf-Kelly, J., P. Wright, and J.O. Neher, Is amoxicillin better than placebo for adults with acute maxillary sinusitis? Evidence-Based Practice, 2008. 11(4): p. 7.  PAPER


Smith, J., C. Oliver, and R. Salinas, Do systemic corticosteroids improve acute outcomes in infants with RSV bronchiolitis? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(1): p. 14.  PAPER


Yonahara, M., J. Eppler, and R. Salinas, Do Cox-2 inhibitors relieve pain more effectively than nonselective NSAIDs? J Okla State Med Assoc, 2008. 101(2): p. 34.  PAPER


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