OKPRN Mission Areas
The ultimate goal of OKPRN is to improve the health of Oklahomans through the development, testing, and dissemination of healthcare resources and primary care practice-based research. OKPRN is uniquely positioned to link academic expertise and resources to community health (private and public healthcare organizations) and facilitate collaborative learning among professionals throughout the state.
Learning Communities
OKPRN is committed to developing and supporting learning communities of like-minded healthcare organizations in Oklahoma that by sharing their knowledge and resources with each other can excel in serving their respective communities and contribute to the health of the state.
Healthcare Innovation
There hasn't been a more opportune time for paradigm-changing innovations in healthcare. OKPRN introduced several of these innovations that helped pave the way to better primary care, including practice facilitation, goal-directed care approaches, and building a primary care health extension infrastructure.
Practice Improvement
Improving the quality and safety of care in primary care practices is the "bread and butter" of OKPRN. Our network has been a national leader in developing effective practice improvement approaches that include academic detailing, practice facilitation and local learning collaboratives.
Disruptive Technologies
Our network of clinicians has been instrumental in designing and deploying novel health IT resources that help bridge the gaps between the needs of practices and what current technologies can offer, e.g.: smart registries, e-patient apps and decision-support, portals, referral systems, m-health and risk assessment tools.
Knowledge Generation
OKPRN has developed a practical method of tapping into the collective wisdom of talented clinicians. Knowledge generated from practice is then complemented by relevant academic research and disseminated within the learning community and beyond.
Health Partnerships
Since the 1990's, OKPRN promoted public-private partnerships and linked a variety or organizations to work toward a common goal. These included academic, government, corporate, non-profit, professional and faith-based entities interested in improving the state of the state's health throughout Oklahoma.