PF Questions of the Month
These questions were elicited from OKPRN members by our Practice Facilitators (PFs) on a regular basis. Answers were collected through the OKPRN Listserv from the entire community, compiled and relayed back to members. A library of past questions and answers is shown below.
Billing/Coding & Practice Management
What rules do you have in place for seeing drug reps?
How often do you have staff meetings and what do you cover?
What are the best strategies to motivate office staff?
How to respond to requests for alternative therapies?
How to bill For Pvx and Tetanus, smoking couns & hearing tests?
What is your office protocol for completing special forms?
What problems are you having with pre-auths for dx procedures?
Diagnosis & Treatment
Which office spirometer do you like to use?
Do you bring up obesity during a visit? How do you approach it?
Do you use the diagnosis 'metabolic syndrome' in your practice?
What viral syndromes do you see in your practice (7-28-2008)?
How many cases of poison ivy did you treat in the office last week?
Screening & Prevention
Do you routinely screen your patients for depression?
What is your favorite BMI calculator that you use in the office?
Do you currently screen children for too much TV viewing?
How to screen for cognitive impairment?
What are the barriers to higher mammography rates in OK?
Will you screen more of your patients for vitamin D?
How do you do hearing testing if patient can't be referred?
How to get patients to exercise?
What is your policy for administering the Gardasil vaccine?
Should we stress test diabetics over 40?
What are the barriers for colorectal cancer screening in OK?
What are the barriers for cervical cancer screening in OK?
How do you decide which patients should take low dose aspirin?
How difficult is it to refer your patients for a colonoscopy?
Community / Public Health
Health IT Use & Interoperability
Would you use an OKPRN mobile app? Should we develop one?
About what topics of HIT use do you want to learn more?
How do you keep your knowledge current on EHR use?
What to consider when selecting an EHR?
Medicaid & Medicare Populations
How do you do proactive outreach for Medicaid kids?
How the OHCA could improve the Medicaid program?
How do you do welcome to Medicare visits?
Quality Improvement
Are you seeking NCQA certification?
Do any of you routinely use peak flow meters in your office?
How to get patients to bring in their meds?
How to handle flu vaccinations?
How to deal with late patients?
How to protect vaccines during electrical outages?
How do you track appointments for chronic patients?
What are the best ways to disseminate best practices?
What projects could a PEA help you with in your practice?
Do you use a patient registry in your practice?
Do you use appointment reminders in your practice?
Patient Care / Community Involvement
Do you collaborate with pharmacies for immunization?
Are you capturing advance directives from your patients?
What "best practices" do you have for back-to-school physicals?
How do you handle isolating sick patients from well patients?
Do you participate in volunteer work as a clinician?
Is it helpful for asthma patients to monitor their own peak-flow?
How to take care of patients who don't speak English?
Which patients do you test for Vitamin D deficiency?
Medication Management
Could clinicians and pharmacists work together on med management?
What do you do to prevent others from changing your patients' Rxs?
What red flags do you look foor when seeing drug seekers?
What processes do you have in place for handling pts on narcotics?