The 25th Anniversary OKPRN Convocation
June 13-16, 2019, Embassy Suites Norman Hotel, OKC
We are pleased to invite you to the 2019 Joint OKPRN-OAFP Annual Convocation in OKC, held between June 13 and 16. The dedicated OKPRN program will be part of the larger OAFP Convocation on Friday, June 14. Families are welcome to join in several conference activities!
Session Topics Include:
The implications of early-childhood adverse events in adult care
Applications of goal-directed conversations in regular care
Cancer survivorship and care coordination
Advancing preventive care in rural communities of Oklahoma
Health goal attainment in the elderly
Promoting end-of-life conversations and advance care planning
Addressing opioids (Do No Harm project) and unhealthy alcohol use
You can download the Joint Convocation Program here.
Coming soon: Presentation Library.

How to Register?
To register for the 2019 Joint OKPRN-OAFP Convocation, please visit the OAFP website and make your selections according to your specific conference needs: http://www.okafp.org/scientific-assembly
Hotel Room Reservations
Hotel reservations at the Embassy Suites, Norman can be made HERE.
Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center
2501 Conference Drive, Norman, OK 73069
A block of rooms has been reserved for June 13, 2019 - June 16, 2019.
The special room rate will be available until May 30th or until
the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first.