Research to Practice - Practice to Research (RPR) Exchange

Research-to-Practice-to-Research (RPR) Exchange is a web-based tool developed in Oklahoma for Oklahoma’s primary care clinicians and researchers. It includes the following four functions:
E-mail or text message alerts notifying and linking members to carefully selected, highly relevant and easily implementable information;
A searchable library of those resources;
A Questions, Observations, and Suggestions (QOS) function that makes it easier for clinicians to communicate information to researchers, QI leaders, and policy-makers
An online forum function that allows members to engage in discussions about important topics such as opioid management or weight reduction strategies.
To join, go to https://www.rpr.lib.ok.us/
Complete the required Profile fields.
You will then receive an e-mail to confirm your e-mail address and an e-mail confirming your membership with a link to your Profile page for completion.