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25th Anniversary OKPRN Convocation Presentations (2019)
Cancer Prevention and Control Projects with Tribal Partners in Oklahoma (Mark Doescher, MD)
Personalized Goal Setting in the Primary Care of Persons with Cognitive Impairment (Lee Jennings, MD)
Implementing a Sustainable Preventive Services Project in Rural Counties (Zsolt Nagykaldi, PhD)
How Do Physicians Respond to Patients' Quality of Life Goals? (Becky Purkaple, MD)
Suicide Prevention in Primary Care (Virna Little, PsyD)
Trauma-Informed Primary Care Part 1: The Adult Health Impacts ofAdverse Childhood Experiences (Frances Wen, PhD)
Trauma-Informed Primary Care Part 2: Skills for Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (Frances Wen, PhD)
Compassion & Hope: Improving Healthcare Quality at the End of Life (Liz Wickersham, MD)
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